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The Most Important Personality Trait All Business Leaders Should Have (And You Should Too!)

When characterizing a great business leader, words such as confident, persuasive, or assertive probably come to mind. However, according to a recent study, there is a trait that's even more valuable when it comes to good leadership. A recent study by The Wall Street Journal identified humility as one of the most important traits for a business leader to possess. 

Possessing a sense of humility might be just the thing to set you apart from other applicants. Nowadays, more companies are taking humility into consideration when hiring employees. They are looking for employees who can lead effectively but are not focused on the spotlight. And it makes sense. Among employees, humility is associated with lower turnover and absenteeism.

Humility in business leadership is often misconstrued as a weakness. However, humility is anything but. A leader who is humble prioritizes doing a good job over receiving recognition. They are aware of their faults and are focused on constant improvement. Humble leaders put their team first instead of looking out for their own interests and ego. A leader who is arrogant will limit themselves and miss out on opportunities. 

So how can you be more humble? Try making some changes in your temperament and leadership style and see what happens. As the saying goes, "People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses.” 


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