In 2001, the Lorain County Commissioners seeded a bold vision to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation in Lorain County. In an unprecedented partnership between government, the private sector, and higher education, the Lorain County Commissioners, the Lorain County Chamber of Commerce and Lorain County Community College came together to launch GLIDE. Its mission was clear: stimulate economic and job growth in Lorain County to make our community competitive in the fast developing global, technological economy.
Here is a snapshot of our and our partners’ history in supporting Northeast Ohio’s entrepreneurs.
2001 GLIDE is created, opening its doors with 4,000 square feet of incubation space inside the P.C. Campana Engineering and Development Center
2004 Lorain County Growth Partnership is launched to strategically work with Lorain County organizations and businesses to compete more effectively in regional marketplace
2005 Team Lorain County is formed, attracting companies to locate in Lorain County
2006 GLIDE recognized by state of Ohio as Edison Technology Incubator
2007 GLIDE outgrows space in Campana Center and expands to >20,000 square feet of incubation space in the Entrepreneurship Innovation Center. The Innovation Fund launches its first quarterly application
2008 REAL Teams is formed to assess needs and provide proactive systemic approach to countywide retention and expansion of businesses in Lorain County
2010 The Richard Desich SMART Commercialization Center for Microsystems at Lorain County Community College is formed with $5.5 million in funding from Ohio Third Frontier to accelerate commercialization of sensor technologies
2011 GLIDE is recognized as national model by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the American Association of Community Colleges. Innovation Fund America is announced alongside the Startup America Partnership
2012 The Kauffman Foundation partners with the Lorain County Community College Foundation, awarding a $1 million grant to pilot Innovation Fund America at three community colleges across the nation