MedaSync provides real-time, predictive business intelligence and decision support software to help nursing homes stay financially sound.
At Medasync, our mission is to help nursing homes stay financial sound in a reimbursement reform era. We aim to accomplish this as the only real-time, predictive software in the market that takes the guesswork out of managing costs and insurance contract workflows. The idea for MedaSync spun out of market need. Our founding team has spent the better part of a decade selling software and working with nursing homes. Through that time, we’ve seen a number of new trends and problems emerge in the market as a result of healthcare reform’s shift towards providing the best care at the lowest cost. We spent some time watching these trends, listening and learning from our network and testing a few theories with clients. Today, we have early product in market with 10 installs, 3 channel partnerships and 7 employees. Our next significant milestone will be closing out our seed funding round which is targeted to close at $750,000.