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NueVue Solutions

NueVue Solutions, Inc. (NVS) is developing a new platform technology called Theranostic Hybrid Spectral Molecular Imaging (THSMI). This technology is both an therapeutic technology and imaging technology utilizing custom designed functional nano particles coupled with new spectral molecular imaging technology to target and track cells in the body. NVS is focusing on medical applications of Orthopedics, Stroke, and Cancers.

Theranostic Hybrid Spectral Molecular Imaging is the combination of X-ray “Spectral Molecular Detection” and “Spectral Signature Image Processing” technologies combined with “Targeted Functionalized Nano Particles”. Theranostics is the combination of diagnostics and therapy. NVS is combining pharmaceutical technology and spectral molecular imaging technology for early identification of materials and diseases for targeted therapy and cures in the body.

NVS was founded by William K. McCroskey-President/CEO, James P. Sacher-CFO and global business development entrepreneurs, and medical imaging device and drug development scientists and engineers. NVS is planning to use the Glide Innovation funds to implement NVS’s Hybrid Spectral Detector Modules(HSMI) and HSMI Signature image processing with functionalized gold nano particles. NVS is doing a Series A of $4M to develop Theranostic Hybrid Spectral Molecular Imaging System and Targeted Nano particles for Stroke therapy, Orthopedic infections, and for lung, breast, colon, and prostate cancer therapy. The Series A will enable NVS to build R&D Clinical prototypes for early adopter validation of the Theranostic Hybrid Spectral Molecular Imaging and functionalized nano particle contrast and therapy agents. With these proof of concepts, NVS will aggressively develop early adopter sales and market acceptance to build a $60M - $80M rapidly growing business by 2020 in a $200B Theranostics market.

The company received a $25,000 Innovation Fund A award in November 2015.
