Disease Diagnotstic Group, LLC (DDG) is commercializing the Rapid Assessment of Malaria (RAM) device to provide a full solution to the malaria diagnostic, treatment, and tracking space.
Founded in August 2012, the social venture has patented a mechanical approach to diagnosis by manipulating the magnetic malaria hemozoin to attenuate light. Having deployed prototypes to Peru and India for clinical testing, DDG is seeking product approval for commercialization in 2014. DDG expects to steadily capture market share, ultimately becoming the worldwide standard for point of care malaria diagnosis.
John Lewandowski (CEO/Founder) holds an MBA from CWRU and Dr. Brian T. Grimberg (CMO/President) is a malaria expert, the original inventor, and an assistant professor in the Center for Global Health and Infectious Disease at CWRU.
DDG received an Innovation Fund A grant in August 2013.
Website: http://www.diseasediagnostic.com/